LTS-48 Telephone Test Set / Butt Set
The LTS-48 Telephone Test Set / Butt Set is a Test Set for Telephone line maintenance which can call out and ring in. It also has an audible monitoring signal in the line.
- Mode selection DTMF / Pulse
- Operation: Talk, Ring, Monitor
- Line Polarity independence with Pole Indicator
- High Shock/Drop Resistance to 7 metres
- Last Number Redial
- 10 Number Memory for speed dial
- Mute
- Flash
- Data Safe High Impedance Monitor
- High impact Nylon 6/6 case
- Non-conductive safety belt clip and hanging loop
- Off-hook xDSL Datasafe: POTS service on ADSL without interruption on data service
- Tel. line powered ( does not require batteries)